What are the best outfits for November? Featured Men’s Outfits & Items


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What are the best outfits for November? Featured Men's Outfits & Items

November Outfit Ideas for Men ” Men’s outfits for high school students, college students, and those in their 20s

Layered monotone items for an urban, mature look!

Monotone coordinates are safe and at the same time ideal for creating a modern impression. By differentiating the tone with the items you combine, you can express a coordinated look with depth. The key to avoiding the flat look that is common in monotone coordination is to use different shades of black and white and gray for different layers of clothing, such as wearing a black and gray checkered shirt jacket over a black hoodie, or layering a white turtleneck over the inner layer, as the gentleman here does.

SOUTH2 WEST8 Black & White Check Jacket

Click here for details and purchase

Classy Sporty Coat x Hoodie Coordinates!

By mixing an elegant coat with a sporty hoodie, you can create an elegant sporty casual coordinate. The key to a successful mix-and-match coordinate is to choose items that bring the two tastes closer together, such as a sporty coat, such as the polo coat shown below, or an elegant sweatshirt parka with a beautiful knitted fabric.

Here’s a coat x hoodie combination we recommend!

Gentleman Project Hoodie Click here for details
Gentleman Project Coat Click here for details

Green items for a trend conscious outfit

Incorporate seasonal green items such as coats, knit caps, and fall/winter pants to create a trend-conscious styling while giving off a November-like seasonal feel. By pulling the green together with black, you can create a modern coordinated look.

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