Once you have your favorite down jacket, the next thing to consider is what to match it with. In particular, the choice of innerwear is an important factor that greatly influences the look of the down jacket coordinate. In this issue, we will introduce the key points and items to look out for under the theme of “what to choose as innerwear for your down jackets!
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Choose the right innerwear for your outerwear size
Down jackets are structured to keep body heat in with the inner down pack, so the more space there is between the down jacket and the skin, the higher the thermal protection. Conversely, if there are excess gaps on the inside, no matter how high the fill power and how good the specs of the voluminous down jacket are, it will not protect you from the cold and you will feel chilly. When wearing a down jacket, choose an inner layer with a sense of inner sealing in mind to achieve a cord that is warm in both appearance and comfort.
Concept of choosing innerwear for down jackets 1With a just right size, high-spec down jacket, there is no problem even with a thin inner layer!
If you are wearing a just right size down jacket that is categorized as so-called premium down, such as “high fill power,” “made of high quality materials,” or “with sewing specifications that specialize in windproof and waterproof properties, There is no problem even if the inner layer is thin. If you are in the city use category, you can almost shut out the cold with outerwear, so it is possible to coordinate with a short-sleeved T-shirt and a down jacket, as celebrities in other countries do.
How to choose innerwear for down jackets 2
If your down jacket is so oversized that it feels too bulky, it is better to enhance thermal protection by making full use of layered clothing to avoid gaps inside. Oversized jackets are one of the latest styling trends, so it is important to choose the right innerwear to create a fashionable and warm-keeping look.
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