Bulkohm enlightens us on what men’s face washing and skin care methods we should adopt today.


Bulkohm enlightens us on what men's face washing and skin care methods we should adopt today.

According to men’s skincare brand BULK HOMME, early spring is the season to be extra careful. Especially this year, coupled with the Corona disaster, it is required to focus even more on care than in previous years. Therefore, BulkOMME has released its recommended face wash and skin care regimen to educate the men of the world.

This spring, take better care of your skin than ever before! Corona Disaster x Early Spring is a must?

Many people may assume that spring is less prone to skin problems because it is less dry and less sweaty. In fact, spring, known as “the time of buds,” is a season of extreme temperature differences, and these temperature changes can easily lead to skin problems. In addition, pollen, yellow sand, PM2.5, and ultraviolet rays can also cause damage, making it outrageous to neglect skin care during this season. In addition, this year, due to the Corona Disaster, people are required to take even better care of their skin than in previous years due to the irritation and steam from masks and the stress caused by the restrictive lifestyle.

Click here for Bulk Homme official website

In general, knowledge and habits of skin care are not yet widespread among men, and some people do not get it when they are told to “take good care of your skin!” may not ring a bell with some of you. Bulk Homme, a leading brand of men’s skincare products, has released an online media seminar on how to take care of men’s skin in order to educate the men in the world who are confused.

It’s essential to know the features first! Men’s skin is not as strong as you think?

First of all, it is important to get rid of the preconceived notion that women’s skin is delicate and men’s skin is strong. Men’s skin is surprisingly delicate, with a high level of sebum secretion due to hormonal factors, which is about twice as much as women’s skin, and 30-40% less moisture than women’s. Men’s skin is also more delicate than women’s, with a high level of oil secretion due to hormonal factors. It is a big misconception that men’s skin is greasy; in fact, men’s skin is actually in a state where it lacks moisture and is prone to dryness. Moreover, despite the damage to their horny skin caused by daily shaving and other activities, they tend to neglect care and seek stronger stimulation and friction. Such lack of habit and irritating preferences can lead to major problems, so it is important to keep a gentle skin care regimen in mind.

Click here for Bulk Homme official website

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