7 common mistakes men make in skin care


7 common mistakes men make in skin care

What you do for skin care may actually be damaging your skin. In this issue, we focus on 7 wrong skin care methods commonly used by men! If you are suffering from skin problems, please consider improving your skin care if any of these points apply to you.

Men’s NG Skin Care (1) “Wildly scrubbing the face!

The most common mistake men make is wildly scrubbing their face. Scrubbing the face hard when washing it causes friction on the skin, which in turn stimulates and burdens the skin. This causes excessive removal of sebum and rough skin. It is important to remember that “manliness” is not necessary when washing the face. When washing your face, be gentle as if you were treating a woman’s skin. It is important to lather the face wash thoroughly, place it on the skin gently, and wash it off in a light, soothing motion. Rinsing off the face wash in the shower is also not recommended, as it is considered too stimulating.

Men’s NG skin care (2) “Wildly wiping off moisture with a towel!

Scrubbing the face with a towel after taking a bath or washing the face is also a no-no, and just as with washing the face, it is better to avoid this action as it causes “irritation” and “burden. It is recommended to gently press a clean towel against your face to gently absorb moisture.

It is also important to use towels made of fabrics that are gentle to the skin. Using towels made of organic materials or with delicate threads to gently absorb moisture from the skin will minimize skin irritation. If you want to achieve popular skin, you should also invest sparingly in beauty products.

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