7 common mistakes men make in skin care


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7 common mistakes men make in skin care

Men’s NG skin care (3) “Excessive use of face wiping sheets and blotting papers

While facial wiping sheets are very refreshing and ideal for a change of pace, excessive use is not good for the skin, and excessive use of sheets because of shine can remove the sebum necessary to protect the skin, so use them in moderation. As with washing your face and towel drying, be careful not to scrub your skin wildly, as this can also lead to skin problems. Basically, it is recommended to wipe lightly with a handkerchief. If you really want to feel refreshed, use it no more than twice a day. Remember that you have the option of washing your face with water and gently wiping it with a handkerchief.

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Men’s NG skin care ④ “Washing your face more than 3 times a day

If you have skin problems such as acne or dry skin, it is tempting to wash your face a lot in order to feel clean, but be aware that this is counterproductive. By removing the necessary sebum, you may end up secreting even more sebum, which can lead to dryness. It is considered a good idea to wash one’s face only in the morning and at night. Although this is an extreme example, Masaharu Fukuyama, a man of color whom everyone recognizes, became a topic of conversation when he publicly stated that he maintains his youth by washing his face with a minimal amount of face wash, without using any cleanser. Since face washing is only for washing off dust, dirt, and excess sebum, we should keep in mind to avoid doing it three or four times a day.


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