Boots Men’s Special! Recommended brand items by type.


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Boots Men's Special! Recommended brand items by type.

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Kind of boots ⑨ “Engineer boots

Engineer boots, a type of work boots, are safety shoes (work shoes) that originated in the U.S., but have now spread as a fashion item. The reason for this is largely due to the influence of the movie ” THE WILD ONE” released in 1953. The movie’s main character, Marlon Brando, wore a riders’ jacket, jeans, and engineer boots, which attracted bikers of the time and became a fashion model for them. Because of their masculine appearance with buckles, they are now often used in martial casual outfits.

Recommended brand of engineer boots① “CHIPPEWA

One of the origins of the engineer boot is this model created by “Chippewa” in 1937. The rugged look of the chunky plain toe with the cuffed sole will instantly make your outfit look more masculine. Despite their appearance, they are easy to put on and take off, and the robust Goodyear welt manufacturing process is also a nice feature.

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Recommended brand of engineer boots②”Wesco

Engineer boots were first made by the American shoe brand Wesco in 1938, and they are highly popular along with Chippewa boots. They are made using the stitch-down method, and their stable comfort is proof of their high quality. As tough as they look, you can be sure that they will last for a long time.

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Recommended brand of engineer boots③「REDWING

Red Wing, whose name is definitely mentioned when it comes to work boots, of course also offers engineer boots. The leather becomes more comfortable as they are worn in, and as the instep and shaft get wrinkled and scratched, the brown interlining can be seen under the black leather, and it tickles men’s hearts to enjoy the changes over time.

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