8 means to practice in preventing the odor of leather shoes


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8 means to practice in preventing the odor of leather shoes

Countermeasure for leather shoe odor (3): “Wear shoes with leather soles that have excellent breathability.

Rubber soled shoes are inferior to leather soled shoes in terms of breathability, although they cannot be completely denied in terms of convenience. If you are particularly concerned about steam and odor, you should choose shoes with leather soles. However, in the case of leather shoes with a cement manufacturing method, in which the outsole, insole, and upper are crimped together using an adhesive, breathability is reduced. If you are interested in leather-soled shoes, you should choose shoes made with a non-adhesive method such as Goodyear welt, Mackay, or Bolognese.

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Countermeasure 4: “Don’t wear shoes that don’t fit your feet.

If you wear shoes that do not fit your feet, your feet will not be stable inside the shoe, leading to unnecessary perspiration. It is important to choose shoes that fit and to re-tie the shoelaces each time, even if it is troublesome. One of the best options is to have your measurements taken at a department store or specialty store, and purchase leather shoes that fit your feet, or have them custom-made.

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Leather Shoe Odor Countermeasure ⑤ “Do not wear the same pair of leather shoes day after day.

The soles of the feet are the most vulnerable to perspiration due to the high density of sweat glands, and it is said that each foot releases a considerable amount of sweat, about half a cup of sweat per day. The moisture cannot be completely absorbed by the socks, and naturally soaks into the leather shoes. It is said that it takes two days for the moisture soaked into the shoe to dry, and if the shoes are worn day after day, the moisture will not dry in time and accumulate in the insole and lining (inside of the shoe), releasing a foul odor due to bacterial growth. If possible, allow at least two full days of rest. And of course, don’t forget the shoe tree.


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