Denim Shirts Special! Selected picks of recommended items by type.


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Denim Shirts Special! Selected picks of recommended items by type.

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Denim shirt type 4 “Denim pullover shirt

If you want to create a different impression, it is also effective to choose a denim shirt with a pullover design. Because they are designed to be put on and taken off, they are generally made with a generous width, and the silhouette is perfect for today’s relaxed mood. In addition, since pullover denim shirts are not widely available, they are recommended for those who do not want to be seen in the same group as others.

Denim pullover shirt recommendation ① “orSlow 40’s pullover shirt

This item is based on the U.S. Army’s pullover jacket, which was used by the U.S. military until around the 1940s. The large pockets on both chests and the thicker body and armholes give it a powerful design. However, despite its impactful appearance, the denim fabric is 9 ounces, making it light and comfortable to wear. The length is also exquisite and can be worn either tucked in or tucked out.

Click here for details and purchase

Denim pullover shirt recommendation ② “HOUSTON Denim pullover shirt

Houston” is one of Japan’s proudest military brands. The brand offers pullover shirts that faithfully reproduce the denim uniforms used in World War II. The boxy silhouette and relaxed size are perfect for the current mood. The fresh bleached color is sure to add a seasonal touch to your spring and summer outfits.

Details and purchase here

Denim pullover shirt recommendation 3 “Nigel Cabourn POH SHIRT

This piece from ” Nigel Kevon” is a mix of a 1940s work shirt and a shirt worn by the Royal Navy. It has a zipper, which is unusual for a pullover shirt, and the two pockets on the front give it a look that sets it apart from other shirts. The fabric has a unique bounciness due to the linen blend, and its dry feel gives it a cool and comfortable feel.

For details and purchase, click here.

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