Denim Shirts Aimed at! 5 recommendations for a beautiful coordinate.


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Denim Shirts Aimed at! 5 recommendations for a beautiful coordinate.

1) “Finamore SIMONE SIMONE”

This denim shirt is based on the “SIMONE” model, which is an improved version of the popular “SERGIO” model by “Finamore” and is an easy-to-use fusion of casual and dress. It has a high fit, but is also easy to move around in, making it very comfortable to wear. Why not experience the feeling of wearing a shirt that can only be handmade by skilled craftsmen in Naples?

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(2) “Bagutta Open Collar Shirt

This denim shirt has an open collar, which is effective for adding a touch of color to your dress style. The soft texture of the washed denim fabric, combined with the open collar, will surely give you a mature and comfortable look.

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