Checked shirts for men [ 5 impressions and coordinates by pattern


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Checked shirts for men [ 5 impressions and coordinates by pattern

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Check shirt men’s (4) window pen ” A traditional English pattern! Suitable for adding an intellectual and sophisticated impression.

Windowpane refers to a plaid pattern using a single color and thin lines. The name “window pen” is derived from its square pattern, which resembles a window lattice. It is said to be one of the traditional patterns of England, and its appeal is that it adds a classic, traditional, and intellectual impression. Unlike other plaid patterns, there are very few colors in this pattern, so it is easy to combine with any item and looks elegant even though it is a casual item.

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How to wear windowpane patterned shirts (1) “Windowpane patterned shirts are useful when you feel that something is missing!

A windowpane-patterned shirt is the perfect solution for men who want a minimalist look but don’t want to look plain. This gentleman here has a windowpane shirt with black pane on a white background, creating an outfit that is elegant and simple, yet accented with a touch of sophistication. As you can see, it goes well with basic pants, and even when tucked out, it doesn’t look sloppy, making it perfect for an adult’s holiday style.

How to wear windowpane-patterned shirts (2) “Large windowpane shirts can be worn with a higher degree of sophistication!

By adding a checked shirt with a large window pen pattern, the chic atmosphere of the all-black coordinate is accentuated without compromising the look. This kind of design is sure to enhance the level of sophistication.


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