Double Jacket Men’s Cordage Special! Introducing the classic modern adult jacket style


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Double Jacket Men's Cordage Special! Introducing the classic modern adult jacket style

Striped double jacket with metal buttons for a classy and mature look

This striped double jacket with metal buttons is an excellent item that combines a smart-casual atmosphere with a classic modern image. It is versatile enough to be worn casually or dressily, and can be worn in any way you want to express your jackets. In this coordinate, the bottoms are casual, while the double jacket adds a touch of class. The gap between the tops and bottoms creates a mature look.

LARDINI Double Jacket

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Add a chic accent to the royal jacket style with a Bordeaux knit in between

The combination of a navy jacket and gray pants is the standard jacket style. This orthodox styling is ideal for serious business meetings and conservative industries. The gentleman we picked up below expresses a styling that adds one item to such an orthodox combination to add an arrangement. By layering a knit item as an inner layer, he adds a soft atmosphere. The trendy bordeaux color adds a chic accent and a subtle sensitivity to the look.

Lardini Double Jacket

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