What are 3 causes of skin irritation from shaving & how to prevent skin problems?


What are 3 causes of skin irritation from shaving & how to prevent skin problems?

Many men suffer from skin irritation such as tingling, pimples, and redness every time they shave. In this article, we will introduce the causes and remedies for skin irritation caused by shaving.

Board Certified Pediatrician, Japanese Pediatric SocietyMikihiro Suzuki
After graduating from Jichi Medical University in 2001, he worked at Mie Prefectural General Medical Center, National Hospital Organization Mie Central Medical Center, National Hospital Organization Mie Hospital, Ise Red Cross Hospital, and Kinan Public Hospital. 2010, he opened Suzuki Children Clinic.

Check out the causes of skin irritation from shaving!

Let’s take a look at the causes of skin irritation caused by shaving. If you can think of any of them, it is a good idea to correct them immediately.

Causes of skin irritation from shaving (1) “Failure to change razor or shaver blades”

Needless to say, the sharpness of shaver and razor blades decreases the more you use them. When the sharpness of the blades is low, the blades must be repeatedly applied to the skin in order to achieve smooth skin, which increases the burden on the skin and makes it more susceptible to skin irritation. The recommended frequency of replacement varies by manufacturer, but it is said to be best to replace them in about two weeks.

Causes of rough skin from shaving (2) “Not using shaving products

Some men may use their usual soap or facial cleansing foam, or shave without putting anything on their skin to begin with. It is easy to feel that there is nothing wrong if you can get a clean shave that way, but the burden on the skin is considerably doubled, so be careful if you are prone to skin irritation. Shaving agent is a must because it improves glide, reduces frictional damage, and softens the beard to make it easier to shave. If you are using facial cleansing foam to save time, be sure to choose one that can also be used for shaving.

Related article ] How to choose a shaving agent? Check also recommended products.

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Causes of rough skin from shaving (3) “You may be shaving at the wrong time.

Although it is not widely known, it is actually said that shaving 15~30 minutes after waking up is the best time to shave. Immediately after waking up, the beard may be buried due to facial swelling, making it difficult to shave deeply and prone to bleeding. Also, many people shave after warming their skin in the shower or bath at night, but shaving on tired skin is also very hard on the skin, so be careful.

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