What are 3 causes of skin irritation from shaving & how to prevent skin problems?


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What are 3 causes of skin irritation from shaving & how to prevent skin problems?

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Points to keep in mind to prevent rough skin caused by shaving!

The following is a list of points to keep in mind to prevent skin irritation caused by shaving. It’s easier than you might think.

Points to keep in mind to prevent rough skin caused by shaving (1) “Soften hard whiskers before shaving”

It is said that a dry beard is as hard as a power line of the same thickness, so it is important to soften the beard as much as possible before shaving in order to reduce the burden on the skin. Beards expand by about 40% when moist, making them softer and easier to shave, so it is recommended that you splash lukewarm water on your face before shaving. If you have time to spare, apply a steamed towel or face steamer to open up the pores, which will bring you closer to beautiful skin.

Points to prevent rough skin due to shaving (2) “It is correct to keep razors in a dry place.”

Many razor users may leave their razors in the bathroom. Be careful not to store it in a moist or humid place, as bacteria will grow rapidly and this can cause irritation. Also, wiping with a towel after use can cause fibers to get caught in the blade and deteriorate the sharpness, so basically it is best to drain off the water, let it dry naturally, and store it in a dry place!

Point 3) “Carefully care for your skin after shaving!

After shaving, clean off the shaving agent with lukewarm water of about 35 degrees Celsius, and wash your face if necessary. After that, carefully care for the skin by using skincare items such as lotion and milky lotion. For the purpose of preventing inflammation, it is recommended to choose products containing glycyrrhizic acid or allantoin, which have anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, after shaving, the horny layer of the skin is peeled off and becomes dry easily, so choose a product with high moisturizing properties.

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