Five mature-looking raincoats for business use!


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Five mature-looking raincoats for business use!

Raincoat with an adult face (4) Z ZEGNA Stencil Collar Coat

This raincoat is made of a crisp fabric for a cool and comfortable fit.”

Z ZEGNA is a modern lifestyle line of ZEGNA, an Italian fabric manufacturer that produces the world’s finest fabrics. The raincoat picked up from Z ZEGNA is a stainless steel collar type with a faint dull luster. The crisp texture and mesh lining make it cool to wear even on sweaty days.

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Raincoat with an adult look (5) RAINS Belted Coat

A raincoat with an adult look proposed by a Danish brand specializing in rainwear.

RAINS” is a brand from Denmark. As the name suggests, the brand specializes in raincoats, and under the concept of “making rainy days more exciting and more beautiful,” it offers items with both beautiful forms and functional raincoats. This item has a “raincoat-like” look, but the belted design gives it a somewhat elegant atmosphere, making it suitable for business wear as well.

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