How to squat without back pain? Explaining Causes and Means of Countermeasures


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How to squat without back pain? Explaining Causes and Means of Countermeasures

How to squat without back pain?

Here we will show you how to squat properly, taking into account that this can cause lower back pain. This is common to other muscle training exercises as well, so try to perform them without being conscious of it.

Correct squatting method 1: “Be aware of correct breathing and form.

The correct form is to straighten the back, draw the shoulder blades to the center, and drop the hips while inhaling. Bend from the hip joints, not from the knees, as you drop down and squat down. If you find it difficult to drop your hips, your ankles may be stiff, so you may want to place a plate or board under your heels to lightly elevate your heels. It is also a good idea to learn proper form without weights in the beginning, using your own body weight.

Correct squatting method 2: “Do not overload

The intensity will vary depending on the weight of the weights used and the width of the leg openings, so gradually increase the intensity while adjusting to your own strength. When squatting with weights, it is OK to use a Smith machine to stabilize your body at first.

Correct squatting method 3: “Don’t overdo it!

Do not overdo it, as the lower back is also loaded by other training and daily activities. If you feel any discomfort in your lower back, take a good rest to continue training for a long time. In particular, people with a bent spine or misaligned pelvis are more likely to experience pain, so do not overdo it.

Strengthen your core to prevent back pain and maintain proper form

It is effective to train the muscles of the torso not only to perform squats with correct form, but also to prevent back pain. The term “trunk” refers to the center of the body and refers to the abdominal and erector spinae muscles. It is also recommended to strengthen the biceps femoris muscle to stabilize the pelvis position, which is perfect for preventing warped back.

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