What are the benefits of hand grips? How to choose and use them, along with recommended products.


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What are the benefits of hand grips? How to choose and use them, along with recommended products.

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What are the types of hand grips?

Each hand grip has different materials and designs, so it is important to check the basic type differences before purchasing. Each type has very different features, such as for beginners or for long-term use, so choose the one that suits you best. Here are three typical types for your reference.

Types of Hand Grips ① “Standard Hand Grip

If you want something simple and cost-effective, a standard hand grip is recommended. The weight is fixed and the handle is thin and easy to grip. They do not have complicated functions, and many have simple designs that anyone can use easily. Inexpensive hand grips can be purchased for as little as 100 yen, but since a lot of force is applied to the hand grip, it is important to choose one that is as well made as possible. If the grips are simple, the handles may become painful or break easily.

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Types of Hand Grips ② “Load Adjustable Hand Grips

Adjustable-load hand grips are attractive because they are adjustable in strength. Although they do not have the visual simplicity of standard hand grips, one can be used for a long time. With other types of hand grips, you have to buy a new one every time you feel that it is not strong enough, but with load-adjustable hand grips, you do not have to replace it. Therefore, when considering the total expense in the long run, it can be said that this is the most cost-effective type. However, most load-adjustable hand grips have a maximum load of about 60 kg, so simple standard hand grips are necessary for advanced levels.

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Types of Hand Grips (3) “Silicon Hand Grips

For beginners or those who are not confident in their grip strength, it is a good idea to try silicon hand grips first. As the name suggests, they are made of silicon material and are very comfortable to hold. Most hand grips are small in size, so they can be placed anywhere. Also, most silicone hand grips are sold as a set, so you don’t have to buy them often. However, the load is much weaker than other types, so after a certain amount of use, you will probably need to use other types. It is important to consider this as a beginner or rehabilitation type.

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Is there any way to select hand grips?

The most important thing to consider when choosing hand grips is whether the load is appropriate for you. If the load is too weak, the training will be meaningless, and if the load is too strong, it will be difficult to handle. In order to increase grip strength, the load should be 80% of your grip strength. Therefore, if a man of average strength were to purchase a hand grip for the first time, he should start with a load of around 38 kg, 80% of his average grip strength of 47.5 kg in his early 30s. The difference in materials also has a bearing on comfort. Rubber or silicone hand grips do not hurt the hand and are non-slip, while metal hand grips are long-lasting. All hand grips have their advantages and disadvantages and come in a wide range of prices, so you need to be clear about what you are looking for before making a choice.

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How to build muscle effectively with hand grips

It goes without saying that using hand grips is a simple motion of grasping and then releasing them, but if you do it with the right frequency, tips, and tricks, you will feel the benefits even more easily. So, from here, we will explain how to use them effectively.

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Training frequency and frequency of training

If you are aiming to increase grip strength, you should perform several sets of around 10 exercises like other muscles. However, if you want to improve your high blood pressure or want to use it as a moderate exercise, it is recommended to do 20 times or higher. As for the frequency, since these are not large muscles, it is no problem to do them 2 or 3 times a week. For higher loads, leave a few days between exercises, and for lower loads, consult with your own body to determine the frequency.

Training Tips

When using hand grips, it is important to be aware of your posture so that your shoulders do not rise, and to apply force slowly so that you do not use recoil. Take time to relax and be aware of your breathing. The basic principle of muscle training is to exhale when exerting force and inhale when relaxing. Also, even with the same load, you can increase the load by changing the number of fingers you grip, so it is recommended that you try this when you feel you are getting used to it.

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