The proper way & tips on how to do the “palm curl” to strengthen your own body weight!


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The proper way & tips on how to do the "palm curl" to strengthen your own body weight!

3 recommendations for supplements that will help shortcut muscle hypertrophy

To enhance the effects of muscle training, it is important to take in the nutrients that are essential for muscle growth. We recommend supplements that provide efficient intake of protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. However, it is also important to take in nutrients through diet, so please consider taking supplements after reviewing your regular diet.

Supplement recommendation 1: “Protein

Protein supplements are an efficient way to take in protein, and have become so common that even people who do not train muscles now take them to maintain their health. Nowadays, many protein supplements also contain vitamins and minerals, and are popular as a support food for those who are unable to get enough to eat. Protein is broadly classified into “whey,” “casein,” and “soy,” all of which have different characteristics, but whey is recommended for the “golden hour,” the period within 30 minutes immediately after muscle training when you need to consume the most protein. There is a wide variety of whey products available from various manufacturers and brands, so why not check them out?

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Related article】8 top protein recommendations! Pick up popular products with a reputation for being easy to take.

関連記事 Protein Recommendation 24! Pick up popular products with a reputation for being easy to drink by type.
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Muscle Pharm Combat Whey Protein Muscle Farm" protein provides 25 grams of protein per serving and is moderately priced...

Supplement recommendation 2: “HMB

HMB is a supplement that is said to be effective in promoting muscle synthesis while preventing muscle breakdown. It is said that 3g of HMB is required per day to obtain the full effect, but since the body produces only about 0.2~0.4g per day, it is more efficient to take it as a supplement. Recently, many manufacturers have developed a wide range of supplements, from tablet type to powder type, in a variety of types and tastes. However, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has announced the effectiveness of supplements in improving muscle strength, so why not try taking them?

Find HMB on Amazon

Supplement recommendation 3: “Multivitamin & Mineral

If you want to increase muscle growth, why don’t you just need protein? However, vitamins, which play a role in regulating the body, are also nutrients that should be taken. For example, B vitamins, which increase protein absorption, and antioxidant vitamins, which protect the body from oxidation. If you can get these vitamins in your diet, you don’t need them, but it is difficult for busy professionals to maintain a healthy diet, so supplements are a great way to get them. In addition, multivitamins and minerals sold for muscle training are characterized by their high nutrient content. However, overconsumption can lead to health problems, so it is advisable to take supplements while maintaining a good balance with one’s regular diet.

Find multivitamins & minerals on Amazon

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