Concentration curls for concentrated strength training! Proper method & tips for effective results!


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Concentration curls for concentrated strength training! Proper method & tips for effective results!

How to do Concentration Curl properly & tips to increase its effectiveness?

Although it is difficult to lose form, there are a few points to keep in mind when performing the “Concentration Curl. Here, personal trainer Oshima explains the correct way to do the curl and tips to increase its effectiveness.

Sit on a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor, place your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, and hold a dumbbell in your hand. The other hand should be under the armpit of the side holding the dumbbell. The side holding the dumbbells should tighten their armpits and fix their elbows on their thighs to get into the starting position. From there, lift the dumbbells while exhaling and slowly bring them back while inhaling. It is effective to lower the dumbbells to a lightly bent position, as the load will be lost if the elbows are straightened. The goal is three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. If you can afford it, increase the weight; if it is too hard or painful, I recommend reducing the weight.

3 tips to increase the effectiveness of the Concentration Curl

(1) Keep your wrists straight!

If you wrap your wrists around the dumbbells too tightly, your forearms may get tired before your biceps. To prevent this, keep your wrists straight. Also, it is easy to wrap your wrists when handling heavy dumbbells.

(2) Twist your hands inward while lifting to become more aware of the contraction of the muscles!

If you are aiming for a thicker power hump, it is effective to lift dumbbells while twisting your hands inward. This will contract the short head of the biceps more, making it easier to be aware of the muscles you are using. Also, if you put a lot of pressure on the biceps when you lift the dumbbells to the top, you will feel the muscles contract even more.

(3) Tips 3) Train while keeping your eyes on your biceps!

As with any training, training while looking at the area to be trained makes it easier to be aware of the muscles being used, which is said to increase the effectiveness of the workout. For this reason, it is best to train while keeping your gaze fixed on the power hump during the Concentration Curl.

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