Valextra unveils a unique summer campaign starring eyeglass cases!


Valextra unveils a unique summer campaign starring eyeglass cases!

Valextra, one of Italy’s finest leather brands, has unveiled a new summer campaign focusing on eyeglass cases.

Make eyeglass cases the star of your summer coordinate!

Valextra has announced its summer campaign “Sun’s Out, Shades On” featuring eyeglass cases. The campaign expresses a unique style in which the eyeglass case plays the leading role, and proposes it as a high-profile summer item that makes an impact with its witty presentation.

The eyeglass cases, which are available in a variety of colors typical of the Italian-born Valextra, can be used in a variety of ways. Designed to be worn around the neck or attached to a bag with a strap, the eyeglass case can be used as an accessory and matches any occasion. It can also be worn with Valextra bags for an even more iconic look. The eyeglass case by itself is a hero piece that will enhance your summer coordinate. Incidentally, the four bi-color designs used in this campaign are special editions available only at Valextra’s online boutique. (each 73,700 yen including tax)

Check out the Valextra eyeglass case

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