What are the 3 most common mistakes men make when shaping parallel eyebrows?


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What are the 3 most common mistakes men make when shaping parallel eyebrows?

3 common mistakes in creating parallel eyebrows for men!

The following is a list of common mistakes that tend to occur when creating parallel brows. By keeping these mistakes in mind beforehand, you should be able to successfully create eyebrows that are parallel.

Common mistakes in creating parallel eyebrows (1) “The width of the eyebrows is not wide enough.

If you focus too much on keeping the eyebrows parallel, they may not be wide enough. Be aware that shorter eyebrows can make the margins of the face stand out and make the face appear larger. Basically, when creating parallel eyebrows, there is no need to cut the hair outside of the eyebrow. If the original eyebrows are too short, it is better to use an eyebrow pencil to draw them each time.

Common mistakes of parallel eyebrows (2) “Extremely thin eyebrows

Although it is not limited to parallel eyebrows, shortening or thinning of eyebrows tends to occur when eyebrows are intensively groomed. Since parallel eyebrows require a certain degree of thickness, it is important to shape them well and thickly at the stage of outlining when shaping eyebrows. Another similar case is ” shaving the eyebrows,” but this too should not be overdone, as the eyebrows also have facial muscles, and shaving the eyebrows will make them look more unnatural.

Common mistakes of parallel eyebrows (3): “Eyebrows become lowered.

If the end of the eyebrow is lower than the top of the eyebrow, the eyebrows will not be parallel, but rather lowered. Avoid this look for men, as a lowered brow can give an impression of unreliability. In particular, excessive shaving of the lower part of the brow head, the brow peak, and the upper part of the brow tail will give the appearance of a lowered brow.

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