Mastering Men’s Eyebrow Grooming: Easy Steps to Achieving Attractive Brows, Even for Beginners


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Mastering Men's Eyebrow Grooming: Easy Steps to Achieving Attractive Brows, Even for Beginners

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For fearless and clean looking eyes! Lecture on how to trim men’s eyebrows

Here’s how to trim men’s eyebrows. Once you learn the steps, even shaggy eyebrows can be shaped beautifully in about 5 to 8 minutes.

(1) Draw the outline of your ideal eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil!

Based on the aforementioned golden ratio and the eyebrow shape you have imagined, first draw the ideal eyebrow shape with an eyebrow pencil. Be sure to draw in the important points of the eyebrow shape, such as the beginning of the eyebrow, the peak of the eyebrow, and the end of the eyebrow. If you make a mistake, the eyebrow pencil can be quickly erased with a finger, so do not be afraid to draw.

(2) If there are hairs that stick out from the outline, they are unwanted!

The hairs (red circles) that stick out from the ideal eyebrow shape drawn with an eyebrow pencil are unwanted hairs. Use a hair remover, shaver, or razor to remove all unwanted hairs. Even if you don’t pull out the hairs, shaving should be enough to make them less noticeable.

If you want to carefully remove unwanted hairs, use a hair plunger!

If you want to carefully remove hairs one by one, it is better to use a hair plucking tool. This way, you don’t have to worry about making a mistake and you can easily target the fine hairs that are difficult to remove with a shaver. If you want a natural looking eyebrow, leave a few stray hairs close to the eyebrow.

If you want to treat a large area at once, a shaver is the way to go!

If you have a lot of unwanted hairs that are troublesome to remove, use an eyebrow shaver. Depending on the angle of the blade, an eyebrow shaver may leave some hairs unshaved, so be sure to lay the shaver firmly on its side. If you hold the blade up, not only will you not be able to shave the hairs, but you may also injure yourself. If you do not have a shaver, you can use a razor available at drugstores or convenience stores.

[related article] Easy care with eyebrow cutters! From how to choose to recommended products.

関連記事 Eyebrow cutters for easy grooming! From how to choose to recommended products.
7 eyebrow cutter recommendations for men! Eyebrow cutter recommendation 1: "Panasonic Mayu Shaver Kit ER-GM20 Eyebrow ...

If you have hairs between your eyebrows, remove them together!

After eliminating unwanted hairs above and below the eyebrows, let’s treat the hairs between the eyebrows as well. If the hairs between the eyebrows are too far apart from each other, they may look somewhat spaced out, so it is recommended to carefully remove the hairs with a hair cutter. Although risky, a shaver can be used if you can shave well.

(3) Comb from the bottom to the top to raise the hairs at the top of the eyebrow and cut off any hairs that stick out from the line you have drawn.

Once the unwanted hairs have been removed, the eyebrow itself is next in line. After quickly brushing the hairs, hold the scissors in your dominant hand and a comb in the opposite hand, and comb the brow head to cut off any hairs that stick out from the drawn brow line. To make it easier to cut the hairs, gently raise the comb and move it from bottom to top as if pressing down on the hair.

Men’s eyebrow shaping (4) Finally, adjust the length of the end of the eyebrow! The key is to move the comb from top to bottom.

Cut the hairs at the end of the eyebrow in the same way as the top of the eyebrow, but be careful of the direction of the comb, as the hairs at the end of the eyebrow tend to grow downward. Raise the comb lightly and comb from top to bottom to cut the protruding hairs.

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