What are the causes of acne scars and how to care for them?


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What are the causes of acne scars and how to care for them?

How to care for different types of acne scars (3) “For crater acne scars, repair the skin by collagen production!

It is difficult to improve crater-like acne scars that have damaged the deeper layers of the skin through self-skin care. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the natural healing power of the skin by applying ingredients such as growth factors to the skin through regenerative medicine at a clinic. Treatment methods such as laser therapy and chemical peeling may also be possible. In parallel, it is good to take care of the skin at home with ingredients such as placenta and niacin. In some cases, insurance reimbursement is available if you visit a dermatologist, so relying on a doctor is also a shortcut to improvement.

Recommended item for crater acne scars: “Kiku-Masamune Sake Essence

Kikumasamune is known for its sake, but the company also offers skincare products. The products are characterized by the use of the manufacturer’s junmai ginjo-shu, and are packed with ingredients such as ceramide, placenta, and arbutin, in addition to the 12 amino acids contained in sake, which are expected to have moisturizing and skin-whitening effects. The price is surprisingly low, at 2,000 yen including tax. Since continuous use is the most important factor in caring for acne scars, a cost-effective product like this is truly worth relying on.

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Recommended item for acne crater scars: ” Nissin Foods Hyal Moist W

Commercially available skincare products can only approach the epidermis. For craters that require an approach to the dermis, it is effective to support elasticity from the inside of the body. Hyal Moist W is a beauty drink that contains a large amount of Hyal Moist lactobacillus, a patented lactic acid bacterium that produces hyaluronic acid. It also contains collagen, making it ideal for treating craters where elasticity and firmness are essential. The taste is a refreshing white grape, making it easy to drink even for those who do not like sweet drinks. Even men who are too lazy to take care of their skin every day will find it easy to continue taking this drink.

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Recommended item for acne crater scars: “YA-MAN RF Facial Machine Photo Plus EX

The ” PhotoPlus EX ” facial equipment is popular by word of mouth for providing salon-like photofacial treatments at home. Photofacial is a beauty care treatment also known as phototherapy, which promotes collagen production by irradiating light called IPL. It also damages hemoglobin and melanin pigments, so this single unit will be effective for any acne scars. Although the price is high at about 50,000 yen, it is good value considering the number of times one has to go to clinics and esthetic clinics to get rid of acne scars. Men who do not have time to go to a salon should definitely consider it.

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