Swing Top Men’s Coordinate Special! Introducing the stylish people who wear it now & recommended items!


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Swing Top Men's Coordinate Special! Introducing the stylish people who wear it now & recommended items!

The key to dressing a grown-up swing top is how modern it looks with a coordinated outfit.

The swing top, whose name comes from the “swing of golf,” is a short-length outerwear that represents a classy sports style for gentlemen. Unlike today’s sportswear and athletic wear, the swing top has a classic atmosphere, giving it a naturally mature look. Because it is such a swing top, it is important for adults to look youthful and sophisticated in order to wear it fashionably. The key to a stylish coordinate is to incorporate it into modern styling that does not give the impression of old-fashioned style.


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Avoid looking plain with a simple swing-top coordinate by using a subtle color!

The fashionable among us always try to create a simple coordinate that incorporates an authentic swing top, and then add a touch of color to give it a modern look. Dull or subdued colors tend to give an old-fashioned impression, but the use of accent colors can change that image. Monotone items in black, white, and gray are not as effective as accents, so colorful patterned items with a good splash of color are definitely recommended.


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Mr. Nishiguchi of BEAMS F added a vintage swing top to give his traditional style a modern look!

Mr. Nishiguchi of BEAMS F, one of Japan’s most popular fashionistas at Pitti, wore an American traditional jacket with a vintage Champion swing top draped lightly over his shoulder, giving his outfit a modern feel. The swing top and Ralph Lauren cotton pants in white are combined to create an outfit that stands out for its clean look.

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