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Is it safe to use a year-old sunscreen? Explains the expiration date, basic ideas on how to use it, and the risks of using it!


Is it safe to use a year-old sunscreen? Explains the expiration date, basic ideas on how to use it, and the risks of using it!

Sunscreens are gaining more and more attention even among men. However, there are still few who use sunscreen on a daily basis all year round. Many men buy sunscreen for summer leisure time and keep it in storage without using it up.

Basic ideas on how to use sunscreen (1)The expiration date of unopened sunscreen is approximately 3 years

Like lotion and milky lotion, sunscreen of course has an expiration date, which is basically set at approximately 3 years after manufacture. The date of expiration is indicated on the package, so check this and use it as a reference. Incidentally, you can sometimes find them for less than the regular price on Rakuten, Amazon, etc., but this is because they may be slightly older products that are approaching their expiration date.

Basic ideas on how to use sunscreen (2)Once opened, the product should be used up within a year!

The standard for using up sunscreen is basically one year. For women, it is not uncommon to run out of sunscreen in less than a year, as many use it regardless of the season, but for men, many buy sunscreen for summer leisure, so they may use it several times during the summer and have a surplus. There is no particular problem in using the product the following summer as long as the expiration date remains, but keep in mind that it is better to use it up within a year, as it will deteriorate to a small degree after opening.

Basic ideas on how to use sunscreens (3)Deterioration can change texture, color, and fragrance. Old sunscreens are also risky to use.

Sunscreens deteriorate little by little after opening, and after more than a year of storage, various changes will occur. In obvious areas, the texture becomes less stretchy, the liquid discolors, and there is a change in fragrance. Depending on the ingredients, oil and water may separate, resulting in unevenness in the ingredients needed for sunscreen, and in this case it is best to refrain from using the product. It is undeniable that sunscreens other than spray-type sunscreens may contain bacteria when the outlet comes in contact with the skin, which may cause skin irritation if they multiply. In addition, as time passes since the sunscreen was opened, its effectiveness will also weaken a little compared to a new one, so it is best to avoid using a deteriorated one and prepare a new one if you want to be sure of preventing sunburn.

Basic ideas on how to use sunscreen (4)Store unused sunscreen in a room at room temperature away from direct sunlight

As mentioned above, sunscreen should be used up within one season, but there will inevitably be some leftover. If you use it in the fall or winter, it is fine, but if you want to store it until the following summer, you should remember the following storage methods. Storing in direct sunlight or at high room temperatures will cause the sunscreen to oxidize easily and weaken its UV-protection effect, so it is recommended that the sunscreen be stored indoors at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. It is also important to ensure that the container is airtight. In addition to making sure the cap is securely closed, the liquid adhering to the outlet port is exposed to the air and skin, which is where deterioration progresses. If the container will not be used for a while, wipe the outlet clean with a tissue or the like before storing it.

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