Men’s Belly Short Hairstyles Special! 31 cool masculine hairstyles & styling tips!


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Men's Belly Short Hairstyles Special! 31 cool masculine hairstyles & styling tips!

To add a playful touch to belly-short hair, use coloring to emphasize the bundled look.

This belly-short hairstyle is based on Same layers and incorporates tousled tresses to create a fresh look. The tousled look is achieved with roots senning for a zesty texture and incorporating ash color to accentuate the texture of the hair. Permanent hair flow if needed.

Bella Dolce

Recommended styling products for this hairstyle: ” MILBON Prejume Wax 7

For details and purchase, click here.

This is the perfect way to create adult, belly-short hair that can be worn on or off!

A business short hair style perfect for people in their 30s and 40s. The hair is clean-cut from the sides to around the ears and collar, with movement at the top. The bangs can be raised or lowered to switch the look on and off. The cut does not use clippers at all, so you can enjoy the difference in impression even when the hair grows out after a month.


Recommended styling products for this hairstyle: ” Uevo Jucara Joule Joule 11

For details and purchase, click here.

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