Forearm training to make arm rolls look the sexiest


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Forearm training to make arm rolls look the sexiest

Forearm training for sexy rolled-up arms (3) “Hammer curl

The “hammer curl,” which primarily targets the biceps, also works the brachial radius muscle on the forearm. The brachial radius is the largest of the forearm flexor muscles and is an essential part of the forearm to be trained in order to make the forearm thicker.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your legs about shoulder-width apart. At this point, keep your elbows fixed directly next to your body, with the palms of your hands facing your body. Lift the dumbbells up to shoulder height so that the elbows do not move. The key is to imagine your thumbs attached to your shoulders. Take your time lowering them and repeat this for 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. If it is difficult, review the dumbbell weight or just go to the limit.

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Even if you don’t have dumbbells… you can do it! Here’s a forearm training using 00 that you have at home!

If you don’t have dumbbells at home, I recommend forearm training using a chair. The load varies greatly depending on the size of the chair, so try a comfortable number of repetitions until you get used to the movements.

Lie on your stomach, grasp the legs of the chair with both hands, and raise the chair slightly. Move the chair up and down so that your elbows do not leave the floor. The goal is 3 sets of 10 to 15 times, but if it is too difficult, you can go as far as you can.


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