What are the benefits and uses of sauna suits? Thorough explanation of benefits and recommended products


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What are the benefits and uses of sauna suits? Thorough explanation of benefits and recommended products

3 points to keep in mind for effective use of sauna suits!

In order to enhance the effects of the sauna suit, it is best not only to wear it but also to keep in mind the key points. Here are three points to keep in mind.

Point ➁ “Frequent hydration is essential!

When exercising in a sauna suit, you will sweat profusely, so it is important to remember to hydrate frequently. First, before exercising, it is recommended to drink about a glass of water to prevent exercise performance degradation due to dehydration. Of course, you should also remember to hydrate regularly during and after exercise. Some people do not drink water to see weight changes before and after exercise, but this is a dangerous practice that can easily increase blood pressure.

Point ➁ “It is important to sweat in a short time!

It is a good idea to wear the sauna suit for a short period of time. Just as it is not possible to stay in a sauna for a long time, wearing a sauna suit for a long time can be harmful to the body. In addition, wearing a sauna suit for a long period of time can cause skin irritation and rash due to the growth of bacteria caused by perspiration that stays on the skin. Therefore, avoid wearing a sauna suit on a daily basis, and only wear it during exercise.

Point (3) “Don’t forget to take care of it after use!

Of course, if the sauna suit is left unused after use, the bacteria will multiply and emit a foul odor. If this happens, the sauna suit becomes unusable, so it must be cared for immediately after use. Most sauna suits are basically not washable, and detergents will remove the special coding, so wiping with a clean wet towel is the most common method. After that, drying it in the shade in a well-ventilated place should help it last longer.

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