Push-up bars for killer pectoral muscles! Introducing effective menus.


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Push-up bars for killer pectoral muscles! Introducing effective menus.

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Here’s a menu of push-up bar workouts to tone up your pectoralis major muscles!

It is possible to just use a push-up bar for normal push-ups, but if you are going to go to the trouble of incorporating a push-up bar, you should know how to do many variations. Personal trainer Mr. Oshima will now introduce some muscle training exercises using the push-up bar!

Pectoral Muscle Training Using a Push-Up Bar (1) “Wide Stance Push-Up”

The “wide stance push-up” is a push-up performed with the hands one fist wider than in a normal push-up. In the bottom position as shown in the photo, it is easy to be aware that the pectoral muscles are being stretched, so it is recommended for beginners. In addition, it also strengthens not only the pectoral muscles but also the front part of the deltoid muscles, which are the shoulder muscles, and continued practice will surely add to your manliness.

Pectoralis major muscle training using a push-up bar (2) “Decline push-up

The “decline push-up,” performed with the legs on a chair or pedestal, works the upper part of the pectoralis major muscle. The advantage is that the strength can be easily adjusted because the load varies with the height of the legs. However, if the legs are raised too high, the focus may be on the deltoids instead of the pectoralis major, so care must be taken. For beginners, it is recommended to try raising the legs between 30~50 cm.

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