Push-up bars for killer pectoral muscles! Introducing effective menus.


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Push-up bars for killer pectoral muscles! Introducing effective menus.

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Push-up bar makes it easy to train triceps!

Like the three-dimensional pectoral muscles, the muscular triceps are also muscles that appeal to the masculine side of the body. Here is a muscle training exercise to strengthen the triceps using a push-up bar!

Triceps training using a push-up bar (1) Narrow push-up

The “narrow push-up,” in which the hands are placed narrower than shoulder-width apart and the arms are folded, is the main exercise for strengthening the triceps. The “narrow push-up,” in which the arms are placed narrower than shoulder-width and the arms are folded, is mainly designed to strengthen the triceps. Since deltoids and pectoralis major can also be trained as sub-targets, it is also possible to include narrow push-ups as a follow-up menu after the regular push-ups.

Triceps training with the push-up bar (2) Reverse push-up

The “reverse push-up” is a popular menu that effectively strengthens the triceps and deltoids. The reverse push-up is performed with the hands resting on a chair or pedestal, but it is not uncommon for the hands to move due to over exertion. However, with a non-slip push-up bar, there is no need to worry about the bar slipping, so you can concentrate on your workout. However, the range of motion is narrower, so it is recommended for beginners or as a finishing exercise.

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