Black Blouson Cordage! The best solution to look stylish in men’s outfits is here!


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Black Blouson Cordage! The best solution to look stylish in men's outfits is here!

Faded black blouson for a sophisticated men’s coordinate

Blouson outerwear that has gradually faded over time from black is chosen to create a sophisticated look. By incorporating the unique charms of aging, such as wrinkles in leather and fading in denim, the black blouson has a different quality than before. If you feel bored with your usual casual black coordinate, we recommend trying a black blouson with a twist like this.

Black blousons go well with a classy men’s coordinate!

The black blouson is set in a beautiful casual men’s coordinate with a shirt layered around the neck of the knit. The blouson, which has a strong work or military image, can be easily matched with dress items or beautiful coordinates if it is stylish black. By using the same color as the blouson, a sophisticated style with a sense of unity can be achieved. This gentleman also enhances his sophistication with black skinny denim and black sneakers on the lower half of his body.

A.P.C. Black Blouson

Click here for details and purchase

A black blouson with quilting details makes a men’s coordinate more expressive

This men’s coordinate is expressive with a black blouson with fine quilted stitching. Plain items tend to give a boring impression because of their simplicity, but there is no problem with this stitched outerwear. The olive green cap and red bandana spice up the look. The golden ratio of rugged yet urban taste makes this look a useful reference.

The Very Warm Black Blouson

Click here for details and to purchase

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