One skin concern that many men in particular have is ” spots. Many of us have begun to worry about blemishes, either because people around us point them out or because we realize how old we are when we see the skin of people our own age. If you are not yet concerned about blemishes, you should remember that your future blemish situation may be bright or dark depending on your lifestyle and skin care from now on. Therefore, in this issue, we will introduce a care method that you can take by yourself to prevent spots that have already formed and prevent spots in the future at the same time.
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Blemishes actually greatly affect first impressionsBlemishes make ○○○○○ look lousy
According to a survey by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, the most common skin concern among men in their 40s and 50s is “blemishes. This is probably because blemishes on the face cause dullness and uneven skin tone, giving the impression of being older than one’s actual age. Because they are a prominent feature that gives the impression of age, blemishes are one of the major concerns for those who are concerned about their appearance. (Reference: Kobayashi Pharmaceutical News Release )
In addition, prominent blemishes can make one look tired and unhealthy, which can have a negative impact on first impressions, especially for those who place importance on business situations and interpersonal relationships. In addition, ” worrying about blemishes ” also affects one’s self-esteem. Being aware of one’s age and sense of tiredness can lead to negative feelings, and one’s sense of self-esteem may drop to a low level. On the other hand, if you take care of your skin, you will feel more confident about yourself, and this confidence will be reflected in your first impression. Taking care of yourself” will also lead to a higher sense of self-esteem.
Even those who say, “I don’t have any spots on my skin now,” should be careful! In particular, those who used to sunbathe when they were younger (and did not care) or those who did not take good care of their skin may have what are called ” hidden spots. Some patterns of accumulated UV rays and damage to the skin may manifest themselves as age spots. If you are not concerned about spots now and are reading this article, you are really lucky; start taking measures against spots now for beautiful skin in 10 to 20 years and for self-confidence.
The Basics of Knowing Your Enemies 1Four Types of Blemishes
For example, if a car breaks down and needs to be repaired, there is no way to maintain it without first knowing which make (type) of car it is and what caused the breakdown. The same is true for stains. In order to achieve the goal of fading or preventing stains, one must know “what stains are” and the mechanism by which they occur.
A “blemish” is a brown or dark-colored spot that appears on the skin, a phenomenon also commonly referred to as “pigmentation. Although many people tend to lump all blemishes together , there are actually four major types of blemishes, each with different causes and characteristics. First, it is important to understand the different types of spots and take the correct care and preventive measures!
Senile pigmentation | These brown spots are caused by the accumulation of damage to the skin from ultraviolet rays and generally appear more easily with age. It is characterized by its tendency to appear on the face, hands, arms, and other parts of the body that are easily exposed to sunlight. |
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation | A brown or black mark (spot) that remains after skin inflammation such as acne, razor burns, or scars have healed. It appears when melanin is produced excessively during the skin’s regeneration process and pigmentation occurs. |
Chloasma ( melasma ) | Symmetrical light brown spots caused by hormonal imbalance, especially on the cheeks, forehead, and around the mouth. It is believed to be related to female hormones. |
Freckles | Small, mottled brown spots caused by genetic factors, which tend to appear especially on the nose and cheeks. They often appear in childhood, but they tend to darken when exposed to ultraviolet light and can also appear acquired. |
Basics to know the enemy Knowledge2What is the mechanism of spot development?
It is unwise to take measures in the dark without knowing how blemishes develop. By knowing the mechanism of how blemishes develop, we can wisely choose countermeasures that do not increase the number of enemies.
Human skin is composed of the outermost ” epidermis ” and the inner ” dermis “. Of these, the epidermis is deeply involved in the development of blemishes. The epidermis consists of keratinocytes (epidermal cells) and melanocytes (pigment cells) in the basal layer, which is located at the bottom of the epidermis. Exposure to ultraviolet light activates the enzyme tyrosinase, which produces melanin pigment in melanocytes, which is then passed on to keratinocytes to protect the cell nucleus from UV light. In addition, skin cells undergo a ” turnover (metabolism) ” process, in which they are renewed into new cells approximately every six weeks. Cells in the basal layer are pushed up toward the skin surface while dividing, and eventually peel off from the surface. Therefore, melanin produced by exposure to ultraviolet rays also finishes its role in about a six-week cycle and is shed along with old cells.
When the turnover cycle is disrupted, melanin pigment is deposited and becomes a blemish.
Normally, melanin is expelled naturally by the skin’s turnover, but if excessive melanin is produced or turnover is delayed, melanin will remain in the skin and become pigmented, or “spots.
The main cause of blemishes is ultraviolet rays. When the skin is damaged by years of accumulated UV rays and the regenerative power of skin cells declines, the ability to expel melanin from the skin also declines, making it easier for spots to take root. Smoking and stress also increase reactive oxygen species, which accelerate the aging process. Increased active oxygen stimulates melanocytes, making them more likely to overproduce melanin. Furthermore, irregular lifestyle, lack of sleep, and poor blood circulation due to overwork also delay the discharge of melanin and contribute to the formation of spots.
Basic Knowledge of the Enemy 3Blemishes are not
Spots (senile pigmentation and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) caused by disrupted turnover and skin damage are largely related to daily lifestyle and skin care. However, skincare measures against spots are only “prevention” or “suppression of melanin production. In the case of dark spots, it may take time to lighten the spots, and depending on one’s constitution, the spots may not disappear. For those who want to get rid of spots quickly and reliably, we recommend a procedure at a cosmetic dermatologist. There are different types of blemish treatments , such as pico laser and IPL light therapy, etc. Consult with a doctor and have the appropriate treatment for the type of blemish you have.
However, the fact is that a blemish cannot be ” erased with a laser and that is the end of it. If the sensitive area is exposed to ultraviolet rays after the laser treatment, it may become a spot again, and if skin care is neglected after the laser treatment, there is a possibility of acquired spots. Therefore, UV protection, skin care, etc. are essential even after treatment at a clinic. In conclusion, daily care is still super important for any blemish.
Considering the mechanism of blemishes, it is important in the fight against blemishes to regulate the turnover cycle, to take measures against UV rays, and to provide intensive care for existing blemishes. Doing these things is effective against current spots and in preventing future ones.
Fundamentals of Knowing Your Enemies 4It is a mistake to look for a quick fix! The battle against blemishes is a long-term battle.
Many people who are concerned about blemishes are those who buy blemish care serums and other products but give up immediately when they do not see much effect, seeking immediate results. Blemishes do not fade overnight. As mentioned in “Basic Knowledge 2,” spots are not only on the outermost layer of the skin, but melanin may be lodged in deeper layers of the skin due to daily exposure to ultraviolet rays or a disruption in turnover. Even if the melanin in the upper layers is expelled along with the epidermis by regulating turnover, the stain will not fade unless melanin generation is controlled. Therefore, what we need to keep in mind is to make a habit of spot care and to take a long-term view. Rather than giving up immediately, taking a long-term view and “working on one’s skin” and making it a habit to take care of one’s skin will ultimately be a shortcut.
So, what kind of anti-spot measures should we actually take? From here, we will introduce specific care that you can take by yourself.
Blemish prevention Self-care 1Regulate skin turnover
・Supplement vitamins, especially vitamin B2
To alleviate skin irritation, it is most important to restore the correct turnover rhythm as soon as possible. Let’s take enough nutrients necessary for turnover, including vitamin B2, which is called “a vitamin necessary for skin and mucous membranes” and “a vitamin that promotes energy metabolism,” through diet or supplements sold at iHerb and other stores.
Examples of foods rich in vitamin B2]
Salmon, trout, eel, tuna, liver, eggs, milk, natto, dairy products, broccoli, shiitake mushrooms, avocados, etc.
– Get enough sleep
Sleep is also a major factor in skin turnover. Although there are various theories, it is said that the “golden time for skin” is from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., when a large amount of “growth hormone,” which plays an important role in skin repair, is secreted. However, this hormone is secreted “during the first deep sleep after falling asleep (about 3 hours after falling asleep),” and is not necessarily secreted between 10 pm and 2 am. Therefore, it is important to get a good night’s sleep at a time that fits your daily rhythm.
It is also important to take proper measures with correct face washing and skin care.
Washing the face repeatedly, scrubbing too hard, or using hot water can cause the keratin and sebum necessary for the skin to be washed away. This is a major cause of skin turnover disruption. Avoid cleansers that are too strong, and wash your face gently after creating a foamy lather with a foaming net. It is important to rinse off the foam thoroughly with lukewarm water, and when wiping with a towel, never scrub the face vigorously. For men, be careful of damage from shaving. After washing the face, moisturize thoroughly with toner and cover the skin surface with milky lotion or cream. Continuing with proper daily skin care will improve the skin’s ability to retain water and, as a result, regulate turnover.
Blemish Control Self-Care 2
When sunburn occurs due to UV rays, the skin tries to recover from the damage as quickly as possible. Therefore, turnover may be accelerated and cycle rhythms may be disrupted (if skin turnover is too fast, skin cells may be pushed upward in an immature state and normal keratinization may not occur). In daily life, it is important to avoid direct exposure of the skin to sunlight by wearing sunscreen, parasols, sunglasses, etc. Many men may wear sunscreen in summer when the sun is strong, but not in fall and winter. While it is true that UV rays are less intense during the fall and winter seasons compared to summer, they are never completely eliminated. Therefore, using sunscreen throughout the year is super important in preventing blemishes.
Anti-dark spots self-care 3Choose skincare that is also anti-dark spots
If you want to focus on skincare, one way is to actively choose items that focus on anti-dark spots. The following is a list of ingredients and points to look out for when choosing skincare items for blemish care.
Whitening active ingredients
Check to see if the product contains ingredients that inhibit the production of melanin, which is the cause of blemishes. Typical whitening active ingredients include vitamin C derivatives, arbutin, tranexamic acid, and chamomile ET. These ingredients are expected to suppress melanin production and break down melanin that has already formed.
Moisturizing is essential to maintain normal skin turnover. Dry skin is more prone to blemishes, so choose a product that contains moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramide, and collagen to enhance the skin’s ability to retain water.
Quasi-drugs (medicated)
Lotion that claims whitening effects and is labeled “quasi-drug (medicated)” has been approved for the efficacy of its active ingredients, making it a reliable choice for blemish prevention. When looking for a product at the drugstore, check for quasi-drugs that are labeled “blemish prevention.
Blemish Control Self-Care 4Spot care for spots that have already formed
If you are serious about pursuing blemish care for men, whitening serums that can cover a wide area are effective, but “spot care” is effective if you want pinpoint care. The areas where spots appear are, so to speak, where melanin is overreacting and causing errors. By using a thick cream-type spot serum instead of an ordinary serum, you can provide firm and concentrated care. We recommend a small tube or stick type that is easy to apply with pinpoint accuracy to the spots. The shape is easy to handle and allows precise application to the targeted spot. However, do not apply too strongly in a hurry to get the desired effect. Use your ring finger to gently tap the product into the skin and allow it to penetrate slowly. Taking the time to carefully care for the skin is the key to maximizing the effects of blemish care products.