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Aftercare for sunburned skin: The correct way and examples of NG!

Aftercare for sunburned skin: The correct way and examples of NG!

Summer festivals, camping, swimming, and other outdoor activities are the best part of summer. Since it is the season of strong sunlight, many of you may have experienced burns on your skin even though you took sunburn protection measures. In such cases, it is essential not to neglect aftercare. In this article, we will explain the correct way of aftercare, how to take care of each part of the skin, and what you should not do.

Are there different types of “sunburn”?

Sunburn is a phenomenon in which the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays and becomes inflamed, similar to a minor burn. This phenomenon of sunburn is divided into two stages. Eight to 24 hours after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the skin develops a reddening of the skin due to an inflammatory reaction known as “sunburn,” which subsides once after two to three days, followed by a pigmentation reaction of the skin known as “suntan.

Sunburn is a red sunburn (erythema) that peaks a few hours to 24 hours after exposure to ultraviolet light. It is characterized by burn-like symptoms and burning pain. In severe cases, blistering and swelling may also occur.

Santan is a brown pigmentation reaction that appears a few days after exposure to ultraviolet light and lasts for several months. In an attempt to protect the skin from UV rays, melanocytes deep in the skin produce large amounts of melanin, which absorbs UV rays, causing the skin to darken.

Does a suntan cause spots right away?

The answer is no. When the skin is inflamed by UV light, the skin produces a pigment called ” melanin ” to prepare for future UV damage. This melanin is deposited on the skin, and the skin begins to darken, the so-called “sunburned skin. However, this dark tanning is temporary. Normally, as old skin cells are replaced by new ones, melanin is gradually pushed to the surface of the skin, replaced with dirt, and the skin returns to its normal color. However, when UV damage accumulates over many years, melanocytes deep within the epidermis are stimulated and melanin production becomes active. Disruption of turnover for various reasons, such as aging, also has an effect, causing melanin to remain inside the skin without being properly expelled, leading to spots.

Aftercare after sun exposure should be done within 72 hours!

To begin with, the skin after sunburn is similar to a minor burn. Just as burns can leave scars if left unattended, sunburns can lead to blemishes, dry skin, aging skin, and many other disadvantages if left unattended. Generally speaking, it is said that the cells that produce melanin pigment, the cause of blemishes, are activated after 72 hours of exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, quick and proper aftercare is essential to maintain healthy skin.

Proper aftercare after sun exposure

(1) First, cool the skin thoroughly

→ Cool the skin that has been heated. Apply a towel soaked in cold water, a coolant wrapped in a thin cloth, or a plastic bag filled with ice water to the sunburned area (15 to 30 minutes is a rough guide).

Editor Konno
I myself burn easily, but when I went to an outdoor music festival in the summer, the way my skin burned after a few days was completely different if I cooled the burned area immediately after I got home or not. When I did not cool my skin, the short-sleeve burn remained clearly visible, and so on. If you feel it is troublesome to cool each part, I think it is easy to cool them all at once in a cold shower. Also, my face is especially prone to blemishes, so even if I am tired after a sunburn, I at least cool my face by applying coolant wrapped in a thin towel or by using a fast cooling pack that reduces the skin temperature by -5°.

(2) Moisturize well

→Moisturize well with lotion, milky lotion, cream, etc. When the skin damage caused by the sun has settled down, use whitening cosmetics to promote the discharge of melanin generated inside the skin and prevent spots and freckles. It is also a good idea to use skin whitening cosmetics.

Editor Konno
Skin after sunburn is in a very delicate state, so hand pressing is a must, not using a cotton ball! I take care of my skin at night in the following order: MUJI introductory lotionDior snow essence of light micro lotionRejuran turnover dual effect ampouleRejuran Healer turnover active cream. I recommend this combination because it is expected to improve the skin’s barrier function while also having a whitening effect!

(3) Inner care such as moisture and vitamin supplementation

Vitamin C has effects to help sunburned skin such as ‘ suppressing melanin production’ and ‘lightening dark melanin pigment. Vitamin C has the effect of helping sunburned skin by “suppressing melanin production” and “lightening darkened melanin pigment.
To make it work on the skin, it is efficient to ” apply ” vitamin C. However, it may be irritating to the skin immediately after sunburn. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for the inflammation to subside before “applying” vitamin C. Immediately after sunburn, “drinking” vitamin C is recommended to take care of the skin from inside the body. After sunburn, take 1000 mg a day. Vitamin A also plays a very important role in the regeneration of damaged skin. Consuming plenty of green and yellow vegetables and supplementing with vitamin A is also effective.

Editor Konno
I am especially conscious of inner care and take supplements every night, especially those containing antioxidant ingredients. Vitamin C, L-cysteine, glutathione, etc. If you are taking any medications, you should be aware that they may not mix well with your regular medications! If you don’t want to take supplements, we recommend that you consume vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, and tomatoes that contain vitamin A, citrus fruits and broccoli that contain vitamin C, and other foods that are conscious of their ingredients.

[part by part] Aftercare Methods

After sunburn, the skin’s barrier function is reduced due to UV damage, and it becomes dry and sensitive to irritation. Facial skin in particular is thinner and more delicate than the rest of the body, so it is important to carefully moisturize the skin without causing irritation. When washing the face, do not rub the skin with your hands, but wash gently with plenty of lather. To avoid stressing the skin, use a low-irritant cleanser or face wash and carefully rinse it off with lukewarm water. Even regular cosmetics can be irritating to sun-sensitive skin, so it is recommended to use less irritating cosmetics until the skin has calmed down. When applying lotion, apply it gently with the palm of the hand.

─ ─ Body
If the sunburn is extensive, such as on the arms, legs, or back, a cold shower, as mentioned above, can cool the skin efficiently. Afterwards, moisturize the sunburned area with body lotion.

─ ─ Hair and scalp
After sunburn, some people may feel their hair creaking or their scalp dry. In fact, in addition to short-term inflammation, there is a long-term risk of accelerated thinning and graying of hair. When melanocytes, which produce pigment, are damaged by UV light, their ability to produce melanin pigment decreases, making them less able to color hair and more likely to turn gray. Inflammation of the scalp also increases the likelihood of hair volume loss when it reaches the pores. Therefore, when washing hair, use the bellies of your fingers to massage the sunburned and hardened scalp, not rubbing vigorously but loosening it as you wash. Hair treatments and scalp lotions are also available on the market.

[“What not to do if you have sunburned your hair”].

Neglecting sun care

After getting sunburned, you may think that ” it can’t be helped if I already got sunburned,” but this is not true. The skin is in a state of burns, so it is important to apply sunscreen and take aftercare.

Peeling off the peeled skin

After sunburn, the skin may peel off. Forcibly peeling off the peeled skin may cause various harmful effects, such as skin infection, uneven skin tone, etc., even though a new epidermis has already formed.

Use of harsh cosmetics

The skin after sunburn is very delicate. Refreshing cosmetics that contain strong alcohol or menthol may be hard on the skin after sunburn, so choose hypoallergenic cosmetics.

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