Men’s foundation special! Introducing everything from how to choose the right foundation for each type to how to use it and recommended items!


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Men's foundation special! Introducing everything from how to choose the right foundation for each type to how to use it and recommended items!

Men’s foundation type 3: “Powder type” effective for shiny skin

This type of foundation is in powder form and is applied to the skin with a puff. From memories of seeing women using foundation, this is the type of foundation that most people imagine when they hear the word “foundation. This type of foundation is characterized by its smooth and matte skin finish, and is recommended for men who are concerned about shine. Although the tendency to collapse may be a concern, it can be used without problems except during the summer.

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Men’s foundation type ④ “The easiest to use! Stick type” is easy to use without getting your hands dirty.

This type of foundation is made by solidifying liquid into a stick. The foundation can be applied by simply sliding the stick directly onto the skin, so it is easy to apply only to the points of concern without getting your hands dirty. This type of foundation can be applied quickly and easily on the go.

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