Long face haircuts, men’s special! Selected hairstyles for men that cover the contours of the face by arranging bangs and sides.


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Long face haircuts, men's special! Selected hairstyles for men that cover the contours of the face by arranging bangs and sides.

Recommended hairstyles that match men with long faces!

Recommended hairstyle for men with long face length (1) “Short mash and non-trimmed hair for an unpretentious, natural look.”

It is a classic way to cover up a long face with bangs, but thick bangs can give a heavy impression. To avoid this, it is best to create a light, flowing bang by using a senning cut as shown in this hairstyle. This is a great way to achieve the natural look that is so popular right now and is not affected by hair type.

▶︎Styling tips

The most important thing is to dry your hair with a hair dryer, as this is a hairstyle that is tightly styled while maintaining the flow of the hair. To achieve a beautiful hair flow, pull the hair in the opposite direction to where it grows, and then adjust to the flow of the hair as you finish. For a different look, try using a soft wax to give your hair a bundled look.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎”ALLNA ORGANIC (orna organic) Hair Oil

For details and purchase, click here.

Recommended hairstyle for men with long face lengths (2) “Trendy Korean center part with karma perm shining through.”

A center parted style using ” karma perm “, a perm style that separates the bangs. The curls are loosely permed with large rods, creating an ennui atmosphere with relaxed curls. The karma perm, like the combed hair, is a hairstyle that became popular from K-pop fashion, so it is also a trend conscious style. It can be worn with a wide range of outfits, from casual to formal, so it is a hairstyle that is recommended for everyone.

▶︎Styling tips

Since the parting and flow of the hair has been created to some extent by the perm, it is easy to set by simply rubbing styling products throughout. Since the hair should have a moderate volume and shine, it is best to choose a hair mousse. The procedure is to wet the entire hair once, towel dry thoroughly, and then apply the hair mousse to the entire hair and dry with a light rubbing hand touch to complete the process.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎”LIMANATURAL Milky Styling Foam

For details and purchase, click here.

Recommended hairstyle for men with long face length (3) “We also recommend the mash center part for a balanced look!

For those who are avoiding a center parting because of the length of their forehead, mash and center parting is a good choice. By rounding out the sides, the overall silhouette can be adjusted and the long face look can be reduced. If you use a perm to create movement from the top of the head to the beehive, as shown here, it will add volume and make you feel less long in the face.

▶︎Styling Tips

Once the center parting position is determined, the key to styling is to use the heat from a hair dryer to firmly shape the hair so that it does not fall out. Soft wax is recommended for styling, as it creates a bundled look. Rub styling product throughout the hair and adjust the volume by moving the hair from the top to the edges to complete the look.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎”EARTHEART (Earth Heart) Styling Wax Soft

For details and purchase, click here.

Recommended hairstyle for men with long face lengths (4) “Urban style with a center part and a twisted perm for a relaxed look.

A center parted style with bold movement and volume created by a twisted perm. A good point is that the sides are voluminous enough to wipe out the impression of verticality. If you want to achieve the effect of covering up a long face, black or subdued hair color would be a good match instead of high tone.

▶︎Styling tips

To get the full movement of the curls, we recommend using a shiny styling product while the hair is half-dried. Choose a soft wax that produces shine to bring out the softness of the twisted perm while creating a wet look. Since there is no need to create strong volume, use styling products mainly on the ends of the hair instead of rubbing them in from the roots. If hair is too wet at this point, volume will be reduced.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎”OCEAN TRICO Hair Wax Airy x Keep”

For details and purchase, click here.

Recommended hairstyle for men with long face lengths (5) “Jet Mohawk style with a combination of fade cuts for a fully masculine look.

The standard hairstyle for people with long faces is to choose a hairstyle that avoids the impression of verticality, but one of the candidates is the Mohawk style, which dares to show the forehead to give volume at the top. Surprisingly, many people find that a clean and masculine look is more appropriate if the forehead is boldly exposed. This hairstyle also incorporates a fade on the sides, which gives it a more masculine appearance. The volume is also added at the beehive, making it easy to suit even those with long face lengths.

▶︎Styling tips

Since the entire hair is styled to stand vertically, a styling product that gives a hard finish is recommended. Gel is the choice here, as we also want to add a wet texture to aid the masculine look. If you want to use gel to give your hair a hard rise, it is recommended to use it on dry hair. After drying hair with a hair dryer to make it stand up firmly from the roots, rub the gel into the palms of your hands so that it is evenly distributed throughout the hair.

Recommended styling products for this hair style ▶︎”Yanagiya Honten APIRO Super Hard Gel

For details and purchase, click here.


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