Leading to a solution to the summer sweat odor problem! Carefully selected items for washing and preventative care respectively!


Leading to a solution to the summer sweat odor problem! Carefully selected items for washing and preventative care respectively!

Summer sweat, which comes out like a waterfall, is a source of worry that not only ruins one’s appearance, but also emits an unpleasant odor. The problem of such unpleasant smells can be solved by taking care of both cleansing and preventative measures. In this issue, we will introduce countermeasures and recommended items. Let’s take good care of our skin during the summer to become a clean man.

The basics of countermeasures against odor caused by summer sweat! It is best to thoroughly remove unnecessary dirt with washing care!

In fact, freshly generated sweat is odorless. It is when it mixes with sebum, dirt, and bacteria that the unpleasant smell of sweat is generated. In other words, if unnecessary dirt is thoroughly removed by washing the body, the body will naturally become less prone to odor. The ” eccrine ” and ” apocrine ” glands are concentrated in the back of the head, armpits, and groin area, so it is best to wash them intensively. Carefully care for them with soaps specialized for sweat and odor control.

Recommended washing care item 1: “CLEANEO Medicated Clearneo Body Soap

Clear Neo, which is popular as a countermeasure for armpit odor, contains isopropyl methylphenol and 2K glycyrrhizic acid to treat the source of the odor. It also contains kakitannin, which suppresses the source of age-related odors, and is a firm care for middle fatty odors, which become stronger in summer. The refreshing scent of eucalyptus also helps reduce stress. Stress and fatigue increase the concentration of ammonia in the blood, causing the odor to become stronger. Clear Neo, which also provides a relaxing effect in the bath, would be an ideal product as a countermeasure.

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Recommended washing care item 2: “8×4MEN Deodorant Body Wash

This body soap has bactericidal ingredients that approach disturbed indigenous bacteria on the skin and produce a deodorant effect. If used at night, the effect can be expected to last until the next day, cutting the smell of perspiration when you wake up from sleep. In addition, the citrus fragrance and menthol formula give the body a cool and refreshing feeling after washing. This is an item for men that washes away the discomfort caused by perspiration and leaves the whole body with a fresh impression.

For details and purchase, click here.

Recommended washing care item (3) ” X Slay’D Medicated Body Soap

The disinfectant ingredient “cymene-5-ol” and the deodorant ingredient “persimmon tannin” block the source of male odor. It firmly prevents the smell of perspiration from underarms and soles. In addition, glycyrrhizic acid and vitamin C take care of acne on the back and chest area, which is easy to form in summer! It is a multifaceted solution to problems caused by excessive sebum secretion. No colorants or silicones are used, making it easy to use even for sensitive skin. Recommended for men who want to take care of everything at once, from odors to rough skin.

For details and purchase, click here.

Recommended item 4: MARO Full Body Soap [Herbal Citrus Fragrance] (Japanese only)

This product can be used for both the face and body. The dense foam thoroughly removes sebum from the entire body, and the odor components are fundamentally removed. The slightly hard, invigorating herbal citrus scent is perfect for hot midsummer days. In addition to its removal effect, Marlo has the advantage that it can also be used on the face because plant extracts moisturize the skin. It is ideal for use after washing, leaving the skin feeling refreshed but not tight.

For details and purchase, click here.

Recommended item 5: LUCIDO Medicated Scalp Deo Shampoo

Lucid is ideal for combating sweaty and greasy smells that spread due to steamy scalp. It contains three types of deep-cleansing ingredients to treat stubborn scalp odor, which is especially noticeable in people in their 30s and beyond. It also scrubs out dirt and grime from deep within the pores, leaving you with a scalp that is odor-free even when sweating. The product is fragrance-free, so it is recommended for men who want to achieve an odor-free scalp. The non-silicone formula also eliminates the risk of clogged pores.

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